Dr.V.Sujatha, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., (Entrepreneurship Development)
Orientation Programme to Principals of Women's College on "Planning and Management of Higher Educational Institutions" at National Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi.
Assessment Interaction Meeting at Bangalore, organized by NAAC on 25–26 June 2009.
Orientation course for highly graded Principals at Goa, sponsored by NAAC and Goa University.
Ph. D Guided |
5 |
Thesis Submitted |
2 |
Registered |
2 |
M. Phil Guided |
30 |
Published a book entitled "Best Practices in Higher Education" ISBN NO 978-81 907720-3-7, Rasakumaran Pathipagam, Trichy.
Published a book entitled "Entrepreneurial Development", Cauvery Publications, Trichy.
"Facts for You – Growth of ATM's in India, Oct 2009, Vol. 30, ISSN970-2652.
Published an article on "Awareness Satisfaction and Problems of Mediclaim Insurance Policy Holders, an empirical study among College Teachers" in International Journal of Applied Management Research, Vol 2, December 2010.
Published a Paper on "The Effect of the Demographic factors on the competency of HR in Specialized Hospitals at Tiruchirapalli", in International Journal of Applied Management Research, Dec 2010, Vol. 2, ISSN:0974-8709.
Published a Paper on "Mobile Banking as a Financial Modernism - SBI's Stance", in the International Journal of Applied Management Research, Vol 3, ISSN 0974-8709, June 2011.
Published a Paper on "A Study on Customer Relationship Management in Hotels with reference to Trichy District", in the International Journal of Applied Management Research, Vol 2, ISSN 0974-8709, June 2011.
Published a Paper on "Human Resource – A valued Asset in Health Care" in SMART Journal, Vol 7, No: 1, Jan-June 2011.
Published a Paper on "Assessing customer satisfaction of an Indian Public Sector Bank using Customer Relationship Management", in International Conference of Management Issues in Emerging Economics 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-2044-3, August 2010.
Published a Paper on "The Effect of the Demographic Factors on the competency of the HR in specialized Hospitals at Trichy" in the International Journal of Applied Management Research Dec. 2010–2012.
Published a Paper on "Perspicuity of Customers towards Self-technology based service encounters of a Public Sector Bank", in Advances in Management, Vol 7(8), August 2014.
Published a paper on "A pragmatic study on the service gap analysis of an Indian Public sector bank", in Business Theory and Practice, Vol.15(4), ISSN 1648 - 0627.
Published a Paper on "Effectiveness of SERVQUAL Dimensions in increasing Customer satisfaction between Star and Budgeted hotels", in National Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Industries - A promissory sector of Indian Economy, ISBN 978-93-81521-54-0, Dec 2014.
Published an article in Cauvery Research Journal on "Student Support and Progression", Vol 1, Issue I.
Published an article on "Gender Difference in Mall Shopping Behaviour at Chennai City" in Indian Journal of Applied Research, ISSN NO:2249 – 555X, Impact Factor 3.6241.
Published a Paper on "Factors determining Tenants satisfaction in Shopping Mall at Chennai city" in PARIPEX Indian Journal of Research, ISSN 2250 – 1991, Impact Factor 3.4163, Vol 04, 2015.
Published a Research Paper entitled "Development of Tourism in India Challenges and Opportunities" in Indo Global Journal of Commerce and Economics - ISSN 2393 - 9796, Vol:2, Issue 1, March 2015.